Nutritional Deficiencies

In Karnataka, the intake of recommended vitamins such as vitamin A, B-complexes, and necessary proteins was 50 percent less than the RDI (recommended dietary intake). We predict that this deficiency of vitamins and proteins is so prevalent in Karnataka due to the influx of processed foods in the market. These processed foods contain chemicals such as artificial food colors and BPA which both can affect reproductive and neurological development. The high sugar content and lack of fiber in these foods contribute to the increase in diabetes and heart disease. Children enjoy pre-packaged and store-bought snacks because of their distinct tastes, but these pre-packaged snacks contain processed and nutrient-deficient ingredients. In our informational videos, we aim to provide children with an alternative and healthier choice by giving them easy recipes to follow that mimic their favorite pre-packaged snacks. They can still enjoy the distinct tastes of their favorite food while caring for their health.

Our Mission

At Arogya For Kids, we strive to empower India’s youth, particularly those in underserved communities of Karnataka, with the knowledge and habits necessary to prevent diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Arogya for Kids is dedicated to providing education which is culturally relevant, that promotes heart-healthy lifestyles from an early age. We strive to build a healthier future for the children of Karnataka so they grow up with the awareness of healthy habits necessary to prevent diabetes and cardiovascular disease to lead a healthy life. This includes healthy eating habits and physical exercise. Eventually, the hope is to reach communities beyond Karnataka as we grow our organization to serve other Indian demographics.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death around the world, but on top of that India’s rates of heart disease are much higher. Globally 235 people per capita have diabetes but, in India 272 people per capita have heart disease. Arogya for Kids strives to educate children in India and eventually around the world, about the importance of nutrition and prevention of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, so that this whopping number of 272 can decrease to zero. 

According to the United States National Institute of Health

Framework for Action

Children have greater neuroplasticity, meaning their brains have the ability to form connections faster. Their brains are still developing, so learning about practices and establishing habits that are optimal for their health early in life, will allow them to maintain this mentality for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, as we grow older we develop sarcopenia, the loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength, so it is harder to care for our bodies as we age. This is why it is essential to inform the younger generation about the importance of nutrition and health.